Day 3 of 100 Days Agentic Engineer Challenge: Bolt.New & YouTube Data API
I tried again today the Bolt.New, not the best way to code app, as you do not have any control over the development and it's an amateur approach, not the one of the agentic engineer.
I will summarize my main daily tasks during the Challenge before I continue.
Daily tasks
1. Exercise: pushups-It's much better, still couldn't do a normal pushup, but tried to do pushups lying on the floor and then down again and up again without holding the body. Crazy, probably I weight too much, but each next day is better.
2. Seven hours sleep - This is my biggest problem, I need to go to sleep earlier.
3. AI Assistant: 2 hours - I didn't do the assistant again today, but I fought with Bold.New and tested Youtube Data API 3.
4. PAIC: 1 hour - I just passively watched the second lesson again.
5. Data Science: 1 hour - I do Python Dev exercises with SoloLearn app to refresh my Python knowledge.
If you want to know what all these tasks are about, read the introduction to the 100 Days Agentic Engineer Challenge.
YouTube Data Terminal with Bolt.New
It was nice for a while. Then it turned into a nightmare. A few hours ago I had 10M credits. Now I have 4M and have done almost nothing. Lots of bugs, looping without fixing things, crazy. And what is up with the Supabase integration, I connected the app and the chat asks for credentials, then it writes that it does not need them, then it needs them again.
In a project, I was able to set up the youtube-transcript
npm package (version 1.0.6). This is a JavaScript library that provides the functionality to retrieve the transcript of a YouTube video directly from the client side. It requires a node.js server and an express.js server. In one project Bold.New was able to set servers for front and backend (YT transcript API service). In another project it wasn't possible and didn't know how to remove the server.
I think I will go back to coding, is so frustrating :( For front end it is ok , it can create a nice interface, but for full stack apps and SaaS platforms, no way. Helper and agent-engineering approach is the only hope ;)