Next-Gen Learning: Applying Neuroscience to Foster Lifelong Learning Skills

Damian Dąbrowski
5 min readApr 14, 2024


Educational neuroscience, also known as “neuroeducation,” is an interdisciplinary field that combines neuroscience, psychology, and education to enhance teaching methods and learning experiences. This burgeoning discipline seeks to understand how the human brain learns and processes information, with the goal of applying these insights to improve educational outcomes. By exploring the connections between brain development and learning, educators can tailor their teaching strategies to align with the cognitive abilities of their students.

The Emergence of Educational Neuroscience

The past few decades have seen a surge in our understanding of the brain, thanks in part to advances in technology such as functional magnetic resonance imaging (fMRI) and electroencephalography (EEG). These tools have allowed scientists to study the brain in action and have provided valuable information about the neural mechanisms underlying learning and memory. Educational neuroscience emerged from the desire to apply this knowledge directly to educational settings, fostering a more scientific approach to teaching and learning.

Examples of Learning Methods Based on Neuroscience:

  1. Spaced Repetition
    Neuroscience has revealed that information is more effectively encoded into long-term memory when exposure to the material is spread out over time, rather than crammed in a single session. This phenomenon, known as the “spacing effect,” has led to the development of spaced repetition learning strategies. Tools like flashcard apps utilize algorithms to schedule reviews at optimal intervals, enhancing retention and recall.
  2. Multisensory Learning
    Research in neuroscience suggests that engaging multiple senses can lead to stronger and more durable learning. Multisensory learning approaches combine visual, auditory, and kinesthetic-tactile stimuli to teach concepts. For example, using manipulatives to teach mathematical concepts allows students to see, touch, and manipulate objects, thereby deepening their understanding.
  3. Growth Mindset Encouragement
    The concept of a growth mindset, popularized by psychologist Carol Dweck, is supported by neuroscientific findings that the brain is plastic and capable of growth throughout life. Educators can foster a growth mindset by praising effort rather than innate ability and by teaching students about neuroplasticity, empowering them with the knowledge that their intellectual abilities can be developed with persistence and practice.
  4. Emotion and Learning
    Neuroscience has shown that emotional states can influence cognitive processes. Positive emotions can enhance learning, while negative emotions may hinder it. Techniques that reduce anxiety and stress, such as mindfulness and positive reinforcement, can create a more conducive learning environment. Additionally, connecting material to students’ interests and lives can trigger emotional engagement, leading to better absorption of information.
  5. Feedback and Correction
    The brain learns more effectively when it receives immediate feedback. This insight has led to the implementation of teaching methods that provide instant feedback, allowing students to recognize and correct their mistakes in real-time. Adaptive learning technologies and gamified learning platforms are examples of how real-time feedback can be integrated into educational practices.

The Future of Learning: How Neuroscience-Inspired Apps Are Shaping Education

Mobile learning apps have become increasingly popular as they offer convenient, flexible, and personalized educational experiences. Many of these apps incorporate principles from educational neuroscience to enhance the learning process. Here are some examples of mobile learning apps that use the neuroscience-based learning methods mentioned earlier:

Spaced Repetition:

  • Anki: Anki is a flashcard app that uses spaced repetition to help users memorize information more efficiently. It schedules reviews based on how well you’ve learned the material, ensuring that you revisit concepts at the optimal time to reinforce memory.
  • Duolingo: This language learning app incorporates spaced repetition into its teaching methodology. It reminds users to practice words and phrases at strategic intervals to help solidify their language skills.
  • Sovo: Sovo is an AI-powered learning app that utilizes spaced repetition to tailor the learning experience to the user’s knowledge level. By automatically generating questions and topics, Sovo ensures that learners are presented with challenges that are just right for their current understanding, promoting efficient and effective learning. The app also allows for the creation of personalized flashcards and quizzes, which are essential tools for spaced repetition learning.

By integrating these neuroscience-based methods into their design, mobile apps like Sovo are at the forefront of educational technology, offering users personalized and effective learning experiences that can be accessed from anywhere at any time.

Multisensory Learning:

  • DragonBox: DragonBox series of apps use visual and interactive elements to teach math concepts, engaging learners through a multisensory approach. The apps are designed to make learning math feel like playing a game.
  • Endless Alphabet: Aimed at early learners, this app uses animations, sounds, and interactive puzzles to teach the alphabet and vocabulary, providing a rich multisensory experience.

Growth Mindset Encouragement:

  • Khan Academy: While not exclusively a mobile app, Khan Academy promotes a growth mindset by providing learners with encouraging feedback and a personalized learning dashboard that allows them to track their progress and set goals.
  • ClassDojo: This app helps teachers create a positive classroom culture by allowing them to give students instant feedback and recognition for demonstrating a growth mindset and other valuable skills.

Emotion and Learning:

  • Headspace: While Headspace is primarily a meditation app, it includes educational content on mindfulness and emotional regulation, which can help learners manage stress and create a positive emotional state conducive to learning.
  • Calm: Similar to Headspace, Calm offers meditations and stories that can help reduce anxiety, promoting an emotional state that is more receptive to learning.

Feedback and Correction:

  • Quizlet: Quizlet offers study tools such as flashcards, games, and quizzes that provide immediate feedback. Users can quickly learn from their mistakes and reinforce their understanding of the material.
  • Kahoot!: This game-based learning platform allows users to create, share, and play learning games. It provides instant feedback to players, making learning an interactive and fun experience.
  • Sovo: Sovo takes exam preparation to the next level with its Exam Simulation feature. By generating exams that randomly select questions from a pool of notes across various topics, Sovo provides a unique and challenging test experience. After a student submits their answers, the AI Examinator reviews the responses, scoring them based on accuracy and completeness, and provides constructive feedback along with examples of perfect answers. This immediate and detailed feedback mechanism is designed to help students identify areas of improvement and solidify their knowledge.

Incorporating such innovative features, Sovo exemplifies how mobile apps are utilizing neuroscience principles like feedback and correction to enhance the educational experience, offering personalized guidance that helps learners achieve mastery in their subjects.

These apps are just a few examples of how mobile technology can support neuroscience-based learning methods. As research in educational neuroscience progresses, it’s likely that more apps will emerge with features specifically designed to align with how our brains learn best.

Educational neuroscience holds great promise for transforming traditional educational paradigms. By understanding how the brain learns, educators can implement evidence-based strategies that cater to the cognitive development of their students. As this field continues to evolve, it is important for educators to stay informed about new research findings and be open to integrating neuroscience-based methods into their teaching. The ultimate goal is to create an education system that is not only effective but also responsive to the neurological needs of learners, paving the way for a future where education and brain science work hand in hand for the betterment of all students.




Damian Dąbrowski

Hi, I’m Damian, a Software Engineer who loves building educational apps and simulations..