Professional Editor Layout in Unity

Damian Dąbrowski
2 min readApr 14, 2021

Before you start the creation process with Unity you should set the editor layout first. The default one isn’t really productive but with only a few steps you can create a truly professional layout, which will make your development process easier.

Default Editor Layout

Open or create a new Unity project. Thn you will see a window divided by four smaller windows, its hierarchy, project, scene and inspector window.

Let’s concentrate now because with few next moves you will set up the professional editor layout, which will you probably keep for as long as you work with Unity.

Setting up the Professional Layout

From the layout dropdown choose ‘tall’, take the game view and position it below the scene view, align the game view with the project view. Now when you add or change objects in scene view you can see the results in game view in real time.

For vertical mobile games and applications take the game view and slide it vertically.

Finally, you should change the project view from two columns to one column layout, and you are ready to go.

Remember to save the layout, go to the top right, choose ‘Save Layout’, give it a name and save it.

Now you have a layout that is professional to use and provides the most optimized workflow to create modern applications and video games.



Damian Dąbrowski

Hi, I’m Damian, a Software Engineer who loves building educational apps and simulations..